Monday, July 4, 2011

Loggin Issue with Skype.

Hello Everyone,

Here we come back with another issue and its solution. 

At present, communicating with someone staying far away is quite simple. All we need is a computer, webcam and an application to work on which will help us with the same.

I am talking about "SKYPE".

Some times, we face lot of problems with skype. At this moment I just remember with one of them.

The issue occurs in Skype version suddenly stopped working on Windows 7, Mac and Linux. Few are getting message “Skype has stopped working”. For me it was bit confusing because it worked few hours ago, then stopped working. But now I am again happy with it.

Solution for Windows computer:
  1. Click Start, type run and press Enter. (On Windows XP: Click Start and then Run.)
  2. Type the following and click OK.
  3. %appdata%\skype
  4. Locate and delete the file shared.xml.
  5. If you cannot find this file:
    1. Click Start, type run and press Enter. (On Windows XP: Click Start and then Run.)
    2. Type the following and click OK.
    3. control folders
    4. In the View tab, ensure that Show hidden files and folders is enabled.
    5. Repeat steps 1-3.
  6. Restart Skype.

Solution for MAC computer:

  1. Open Finder and locate the following folder:
  2. ~/Library/Application Support/Skype
  3. Delete the file shared.xml.
  4. Restart Skype.
Please note that the ~ sign means your home folder. You can find your home folder by opening Finder and selecting Go > Home from the menu bar or pressing Command (Apple), Shift and H keys at the same time.

Solution for Linux computer:

  1. Go to the following folder:
  2. /home/YourLinuxUserName/.Skype
  3. Delete the file shared.xml.
  4. Restart Skype.
Remember: The Skype folder is a hidden folder – please check Show hidden files in your file browser to view and access it.


Friday, July 1, 2011

Flee Power or Power Drain

Flea Power is the technical term to be used. It is also called as "Power Drain". Now it should be easy to understand, isn't it??
So, what is it? Is it important? What it is needed for? How does it help and etc... Many questions like these you might have in your mind. Thinking????
 Lets find about "FLEA POWER or POWER DRAIN".

Sometimes, we notice that suddenly our computer stops working. It does not powers on or it gets stuck on a screen while powering on or even any of the peripheral such as touchpad or keyboard or something else stops responding. Why does it happens? Have we ever try to think about it? Do we really want to know why does it happens? Lets check this out.

This is a mother board of a computer. Shape, size and looks differs from system to system.
While working on a desktop system, if the system shuts down due to any reason, either power failure or system hardware issue, and when we try to power on the system again, we find that either does not power on or it will show some black and white screen with something written on it such as "WINDOWS ERROR RECOVERY". If after powering on we don't see anything on the screen then we might notice that the power light might have either flashing amber light or solid amber or flashing green light. Why does it happens

The only reason for this is while powering off automatically the remaining electricity on the mother board does not get released. So, the mother board accumulates the remaining electricity, which we also call as "Static Electricity".
                                                   "YES, IT IS DANGEROUS"

 So, How to get rid of this Static Electricity so that the system starts working fine???
 SO THE ANSWER IS............................  

If it is a desktop computer then unplug the power cable from the system tower. For your help it the BIG BOX on which you find the power button to press. So, after unplugging the power cable, unplug all the peripherals such as keyboard, mouse, (any external device, flash drive, printer, scanner, fax machine if they are connected). Be careful the ports and sockets. Don't break them or else you have to get in touch with the manufacturer and you gotta pay them for the repair. Also remember the places from where you are pulling out the ports. It will be easier for you to plug them back again. Now, after unplugging all the external peripherals, press and hold the power button in the front of the chassis for  20 secs. Its will release the "Static Electricity". Now we can plug in the external peripherals first for safety and at last the power cable. Be very careful with the power cable. We want your safety first...... At last you can try powering on the computer and check whether it works or not. Even after this it does not then lets got in touch with the manufacturer.

Good Luck and Take Care....
Keep on checking for NEW POSTS....Bye.